Integrate Codemagic CI/CD with the tools you love

Codemagic is the fastest mobile CI/CD out there with easily customizable workflows. Connect your tools and services to automate your pipeline.

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.NET Maui

.NET Maui

Build, test and deploy .NET Maui apps with Codemagic. Set up your pipeline with codemagic.yaml and run any scripts you need to get the job done. Publish to App Store Connect and Google Play or any other services. See how to get started with building .NET Maui apps apps here.
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Allure Testops
Test automation

Allure Testops

Allure Testops help you orchestrate and keep control of your manual and automation testing by importing any test results from any sources, integrate seamlessly with Codemagic CI/CD, track tests, and report failures effortlessly. In order to review your test results on Allure Testops as part of your Codemagic workflow, see how to get started with Codemagic and Allure Testops integration in the blog post.
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Amazon S3

Amazon S3

You can easily use custom scripts to publish your app artifacts to external sources. Add your Amazon S3 account credentials as secure environment variables and publish the artifacts to the S3 bucket. See the example here.
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Android (Java & Kotlin)

Android (Java & Kotlin)

Build, test and deploy Android apps with Codemagic. Assure the quality of your apps with automated tests and distribute signed apps to Google Play or other services. See how to get started with building Android apps here.
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Android SDK
Development tools

Android SDK

Run your UI/instrumental tests on Android emulator. Codemagic build machines have an Android emulator preinstalled, so there’s no need to create it every time you build. Our emulator comes with high performance thanks to hardware acceleration.
  • API: 29
  • Target: Android 10.0
  • CPU/ABI: x86_64
  • Resolution: 1080x1920: 420dpi
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App Store Connect

App Store Connect

Codemagic enables you to automatically publish your iOS app to App Store Connect for beta testing with TestFlight or distributing the app to users via App Store. Set up iOS code signing for your app and then configure publishing to App Store Connect in just a couple of lines of code.
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Test automation


Appium is an open-source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. Simply install your npm dependencies to run tests as part of your Codemagic workflow. You can find more detailed instructions on how to integrate Appium with Codemagic in the documentation.
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AWS CodeCommit
Repository hosting

AWS CodeCommit

Sign up to Codemagic and easily connect your AWS CodeCommit repositories. Simply enter the URL for cloning the repository and authenticate via HTTPS or SSH, see more details here.
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AWS Device Farm
Testing on real devices

AWS Device Farm

AWS Device Farm lets you test your mobile app in parallel against a massive collection of physical devices in the AWS Cloud. Add your AWS Device Farm credentials as environment variables in codemagic.yaml to integrate real device testing into your workflow. AWS CLI tools are preinstalled on Codemagic build machines, see the preinstalled softwares here.
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Azure DevOps
Repository hosting

Azure DevOps

Sign up to Codemagic and easily connect your Azure repositories. Simply enter the URL for cloning the repository and authenticate via HTTPS or SSH, see more details here.
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Repository hosting


Codemagic is fully integrated with Bitbucket. You can sign up to Codemagic with your Bitbucket account via OAuth. Codemagic requires read access to your repositories and permission to read and modify webhooks for automatic building. Once you log in, all your repositories will be readily available on Codemagic, so you can start building immediately. Find out more details about Codemagic and Bitbucket integration in the docs.
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Testing on real devices


BrowserStack gives you instant access to 2000+ browsers and real iOS and Android devices for cross-browser testing. Test your Android or iOS app on BrowserStack as part of your Codemagic workflow. See how to get started with Codemagic and BrowserStack integration in the docs.
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Development tools


Ship live updates and instant bug fixes to your Capacitor apps with Capgo. You can integrate Capgo with Codemagic to enable continuous delivery to the stores. To learn more about Capgo’s integration with Codemagic, read the documentation.
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Development tools


Use Carthage to manage the dependencies of your project. Carthage is preinstalled on our build machines, so you can easily integrate it into your workflows. See how to get started with building iOS apps here.
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Development tools


Use CocoaPods to manage the dependencies of your project. Simply specify the CocoaPods version to be used for builds in your configuration. See how to get started with building iOS apps here.
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Static analysis & code quality


Run tests and static code analysis on Codemagic and publish your code coverage reports to Codecov. Explore the docs for the integration with Codecov.
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Build, test, and deploy Cordova apps with Codemagic. Set up your pipeline with codemagic.yaml, and run any scripts you need to get the job done. Publish to App Store Connect, Google Play, or any other services. Read the full documentation on how to start with Cordova and Codemagic.
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Static analysis & code quality


Run tests and static code analysis on Codemagic and publish your code coverage reports to Coveralls. See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml.
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Test automation


Detox is a grey box end-to-end testing and automation library for mobile apps. Detox tests your app while it's running in a real device/simulator, interacting with it just like a real user. See how to run React Native Detox tests on Codemagic here.
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Publish build status updates and artifacts to Discord to keep your team in the loop. Learn more on how to integrate Codemagic and Discord.
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Development tools


Use Docker containers in your build workflow. Docker is preinstalled on our build machines, see all the preinstalled software here.
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Receive build notifications and artifacts on your email address or distribute builds to testers. If the build finishes successfully, the release notes (if passed) and generated artifacts will be published to the provided email addresses. If the build fails, a link to the build logs will be sent. Read the full documentation on how to set up email notifications with Codemagic.
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Test automation


Test your Android apps with the Espresso testing framework. Simply run the Gradle task to execute tests. Take a look at this sample project, which integrates Espresso tests into Codemagic’s pipeline for Android apps.
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Development tools


Fastlane is preinstalled on Codemagic build machines, so integrating fastlane into your build pipeline is a matter of running the fastlane scripts you need to get the work done. Codemagic supports both fastlane and its plugins. Learn more about integrating fastlane with Codemagic.
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Development tools


If your apps use Firebase services, simply upload the Firebase configuration files to Codemagic as environment variables and reference them in a custom script. See an example here.
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Firebase App Distribution

Firebase App Distribution

Publish your Android and iOS apps to Firebase App Distribution. You can use Firebase CLI, Gradle or fastlane for publishing, simply run the commands in your codemagic.yaml. See more details about publishing to Firebase App Distribution here.
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Firebase Test Lab
Testing on real devices

Firebase Test Lab

Firebase Test Lab is a cloud-based app-testing infrastructure. Test your Android or iOS app across a wide variety of devices and device configurations as part of your Codemagic workflow. Explore the documentation on how to add testing on Firebase Test Lab to your Codemagic workflow.
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Build Flutter apps using our intuitive UI or enjoy greater customization with codemagic.yaml. Distribute your apps to testers or publish straight to app stores. Flutter is preinstalled on Codemagic build machines.
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Flutter Desktop

Flutter Desktop

Build and distribute Flutter apps for macOS and Linux. See our documentation here. Flutter is preinstalled on Codemagic build machines.
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Flutter Web

Flutter Web

Build Flutter apps for the web and deploy to Codemagic Static Pages or any other service. Flutter is preinstalled on Codemagic build machines.
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Code review tools


Integrate code review with Gerrit into your Codemagic workflow. See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml.
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Repository hosting


Codemagic is fully integrated with GitHub. You can sign up to Codemagic with your GitHub account via OAuth, which requires read/write access to your repositories, or using the GitHub app, which that allows you to share only selected repositories with read access to the code. Once you log in, your repositories will be readily available on Codemagic, so you can start building immediately. Learn more about adding apps from GitHub to Codemagic.
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GitHub releases

GitHub releases

Publish Android build artifacts to a GitHub release. Publishing to GitHub happens only for successful builds triggered on tag creation. Read more about GitHub releases here.
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Repository hosting


Codemagic is fully integrated with GitLab. You can sign up to Codemagic with your GitLab account via OAuth. On signup, Codemagic asks you to grant access to the authenticated user’s API. Once you log in, your repositories will be readily available on Codemagic, so you can start building immediately. Learn more about adding apps from GitLab to Codemagic.
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Google Play

Google Play

Codemagic comes with out-of-the-box integration with Google Play and enables you to automatically deploy your Android app to Google Play’s internal, alpha, beta or production track. Set up Android code signing and configure publishing to Google Play.
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Development tools


Gradle is preinstalled on Codemagic build machines for Android builds, simply run the commands to build and test your app. See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml.
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Huawei AppGallery

Huawei AppGallery

Huawei AppGallery is one of the biggest app markets for Android apps. With Codemagic, you can automate app signing and deployment to Huawei AppGallery to get a broader audience for your apps. For more information on the integration, please refer to the docs.
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IFTTT enables you to connect your apps and devices in new and remarkable ways. Codemagic can accept incoming requests and send requests (check out Codemagic API). See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml.
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Build, test, and deploy Ionic apps with Codemagic using either Cordova or Capacitor. Set up your pipeline with codemagic.yaml, and run any scripts you need to get the job done. Publish to App Store Connect, Google Play, or any other services. Learn how to get started with Codemagic and Ionic.
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iOS (Objective-C & Swift)

iOS (Objective-C & Swift)

Build, test and deploy iOS apps with Codemagic. Take advantage of automatic iOS code signing and full integration with App Store Connect for publishing to TestFlight and App Store. Select between different Xcode versions and runtimes. See how to get started with building iOS apps here.
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iOS simulators
Development tools

iOS simulators

Codemagic build machines have multiple Xcode versions and runtimes for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS preinstalled. Test your app on a wide range of simulators to ensure its quality. Check out the available iOS simulators in our documentation.
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Issue trackers


Plan, track, and manage your agile and software development projects in Jira. Integrate Jira to your Codemagic workflow to update card status and attach build artifacts. See how to do it in our documentation.
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Test automation


Katalon is a low-code framework that helps you create automated tests for all platforms and operating systems and run them in multiple environments. Run Katalon tests as a part of your Codemagic workflow. Refer to the documentation to get started with using Katalon together with Codemagic.
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Testing on real devices


Kobiton helps automate testing on real devices to make sure your Android and iOS apps work perfectly on different devices. You can integrate Kobiton to your Codemagic workflow to make on-device testing a part of your CI/CD pipeline. To get started with using Kobiton and Codemagic, please refer to the docs.
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Testing on real devices


LambdaTest is a cross-browser testing cloud that allows you to perform automated and live interactive cross-browser testing on 3000+ real browsers and operating systems online. Learn how to integrate with LambdaTest using codemagic.yaml.
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Testing on real devices


Maestro is a handy mobile UI testing framework that's compatible with both Android and iOS. It allows users to run automated tests on real Android devices and emulators alongside automated tests on iOS simulators. Learn how to integrate with Maestro using codemagic.yaml .
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Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Receive emails with build status updates and artifacts on your MS Teams account. Simply select Anyone can send emails in your MS Teams settings and set up the email address in the publish section of your Codemagic configuration. See more details here.
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Development tools


Node.js is preinstalled on all our build machines. Simply specify the version of Node to use in your codemagic.yaml configuration file.
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Test automation


Patrol is a powerful, open-source testing framework for Flutter apps. It lets you access native features of the platform that the Flutter app is running on. Read how to use it with Codemagic here.
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Testing on real devices


Use pCloudy to run automated tests on real devices and across various browsers. You can find the documentation on integrating pCloudy to your Codemagic workflows here, and the sample project on our GitHub.
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Test automation


Perfecto allows you to automatically test your mobile and web apps in the cloud. To make continuous testing with Perfecto CI/CD a part of your Codemagic CI/CD pipeline, please take a look at the documentation.
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React Native

React Native

Build, test and deploy React Native apps with Codemagic. Take advantage of automatic iOS code signing and full integration with App Store Connect for iOS apps. Publish to App Store Connect and Google Play or any other services. See how to get started with building React Native apps here.
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Sauce Labs
Testing on real devices

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs is a cloud-based continuous testing platform for mobile and web apps. Integrate testing on real devices into your Codemagic workflow using codemagic.yaml, see how to get started with it here.
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Test automation


Selendroid is a test automation framework which drives off the UI of Android native and hybrid applications. With codemagic.yaml, you can install additional software and run any commands to customize your build pipeline.
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Self-hosted repositories
Repository hosting

Self-hosted repositories

Sign up to Codemagic and connect your self-hosted repositories. Simply enter the URL for cloning the repository and authenticate via HTTPS or SSH, see more details here.
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Shorebird is a cloud-based code push service for Flutter apps that allows developers to push app updates directly to users' devices. Learn more about using it with Codemagic here.
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Keep your team updated with Slack notifications and build artifacts. Connect your Slack workspace in Codemagic and specify the channel to publish to in your workflow configuration. Look here for details.
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Static analysis & code quality


SonarCloud is SonarQube’s cloud-based code quality and code security service for projects. It helps you achieve continuous code quality, analyze bugs, and catch vulnerabilities. You can integrate SonarCloud into your Codemagic workflow. For more information, visit the docs.
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Static analysis & code quality


Integrate SonarQube to your Codemagic workflow to detect issues with your code. You can find a sample project for integrating Codemagic with SonarQube here.
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Codemagic is integrated with Steam, which means you can automate deploying your projects to the biggest Windows/Mac/Linux distribution platform for games. To learn more about automating publishing to Steam with Codemagic, refer to the documentation.
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Issue trackers


Trello is the easy, free, flexible, and visual way to manage your projects and organize anything. Integrate Trello to your Codemagic workflow to update card status and attach build artifacts. See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml
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Build, test, and deploy Unity apps in the cloud with Codemagic. Unity is a platform for creating real-time 3D content that is extensively used for VR and AR projects. Codemagic has Unity SDK preinstalled on special build machines. Learn how to get started with building Unity apps with Codemagic.
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Code review tools


Integrate code review with Upsource into your Codemagic workflow. See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml.
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Development tools


Widgetbook offers a range of features that allow you to test the app’s layout on devices with various screen sizes and languages. Additionally, it provides easy-to-use controls for customizing widget properties directly within the Widgetbook UI. Learn more about using it with Codemagic here.
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Development tools


Codemagic build machines are always up to date with the latest Xcode versions and have multiple versions of Xcode preinstalled. Check out the available Xcode versions in our documentation.
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Zapier is a tool that helps to move info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. Codemagic can accept incoming requests and send requests (check out Codemagic API). See how to get started with Codemagic using codemagic.yaml.